Friday, January 31, 2014

Abuelitos Y Ninetos

Here are some photos of the kids while we were gone that they took while having a blast with Abuelito and Abuelita.  We appreciate the sacrifices they made to come and care for our children while we were gone.  It meant the world to us and we were able to thoroughly enjoy our trip.  Gracias por todo y los amamos mucho!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Kids Gifts

We brought back a few little things for the kids.  They each got a t-shirt and sea shells.  The girls also got little ankle bracelets as well.  They wanted to close their eyes for more of a surprise.....hahahahah.  They were so happy and excited to receive them.  It was nice to see how grateful they are even for the little things.  We are so blessed with such great kids!