Last year Gaby was invited to partcipate in a little church production. It was for a 4 minute video and an article in the Friend magazine. Well the article just came out this month and the video was reposted on the chuch's website. She has been really enjoying people at church asking her about it. She just glows and smiles super huge. The day we got our Friend in the mail, she asked if we could go and buy one for Grandma, Aubelitos, Tio Angel, Tia AnaLaura and herself, of course, so we did.
This is the link to reread the orignal post about the day we went to the Church History Museum for the taping.
This link is the article in the Friend magazine. Once you are at this website, click on "A Book of Mormon Celebracion". Click download text and then you'll be able to read the article and see the photos.
This link to the video that was made and is currently on