Saturday, July 7, 2012

Camping- Day 2

Today we visited Dinosaur National Monument Park.  It was so amazing.  There are real dinosaur bones sticking out of the side of an excavated mountain that they built this building around.  But first, all the kids became Junior Anthropologists, they were all sworn in at the same time.  We were there for several hours.  Then everyone was starving, so we all had our food in the coolers and ate in the parking lot.

Then we drove to see some petroglyphs.  They were pretty cool, once I saw the photos, because I was in the car nursing on the stops and Lili was sleeping.  Then there was a hike up the mountain to see some more petroglyphs.  Everyone went up except Pap Pap, Erika, Colbie, Cooper, Me, Lili, and Mateo. 

After that, we took a few photos at the park entrance and then went back so everyone could go swimming.  Everyone changed and left for the pool except me and the baby.  I finally got his to sleep and was about to go to the pool and Mark and Pap Pap came back.  They said there was no were to sit and it was too hot in the sun, so I didn't go.  I just stayed and the baby slept for a really long time.

Everyone started coming back, showered and got jammies on, just in time to go out to eat.  We were just going to stay but we all went to this yummy burger joint.  We asked some local people for a good restaurant and this is were we went.  The food was yummy.  Then we went to Sonic for milkshakes.  After milkshakes all the kids went to sleep, Sean and Erika too.  The rest of us stayed up talking until late.  Then we all were off to bed.  Today was packed full of fun.

Everyone still sleeping.

My sweet boy getting changed on the dirty van floor.


Lili wanted to climb a mountain, hahhaha.

All the kids doing their Jr. Ranger books.


Lili doing her book in the mountain.

Pass it all off.
Certified Jr.Anthropologists/Rangers.

More to their collection.

Taking the shuttle to the quarry.

We all barley made it.

Our anthropologist giving a lesson.

Every thing you see sticking out are bones.

More bones.
A whole dinosaur, well half, the other half is still buried.

Super cool!

It was huge, little Lili down below.

They got to touch a bone too.



The wall is massive.


Isabel got her turn to touch a bone.

Green River

That mountain is humongous.

My baby having fun being out of his seat.

Top of the path of the hike.  Do you see the massive lizard petroglyph?

Exploring around.

Lizard petroglyphs.

He's so happy to be out still.

We sat here for the photo and burned our rears!

Waiting for our milkshakes before bed.
Sonic milkshakes 1/2 off after 8pm.  We all went and got some.