Tonight we had a movie night, upstairs, in front of the fire. Papi brought the extra mattress up and the tv out and it was cozy. The kids thought it was the greatest thing. Mateo loved it!
Lili loves putting puzzles together and she is really good at doing them. She does them and puts them all in a straight line and wants a photo. She is so funny.
We had McKenna for the day and she brought their Just Dance 3 will game. They did it for several hours. They were all hot and sweaty! Then they went to play in the snow. They all had so much fun. Thanks for coming McKenna!
Mateo got a stuffed animal owl from Ronnie & Angel for Christmas. He has to snuggle it every nap and bedtime. It is the most precious thing to watch. He likes to lay on his right side and then he put his arms out to reach for the owl, so then I put it in his arms to snuggle. He gets comfy on his pillow and he's out. He is nice and easy to put down to sleep.
Gaby is a wonderful help. She loves her siblings so much. She doesn't get in here too much, it seems, because she's at school all day. She is such a good girl and is a great help to me. I love you my Gaby!
Today was a nice relaxing morning. Then went to Asian Star for a delicious lunch, then off to Boondocks for bowling. The kids loved it. We all had a blast. Man, when did bowling become so expensive? It was worth it.