Monday, May 31, 2010

Book of Mormon

The girls had a primary activity two weeks ago and they came home with gumballs, new scripture bags, and a scripture pencil (they already had their own Book of Mormon's, those who didn't were given one). So now this is what I see after lunch everyday. Talk about learning from your kids! Gaby reads it to Isabel and then Isabel gets to read- Gaby reads it and Isabel repeats. It is such a "sweet" experience. They get to chew a gumball for as long as the flavor lasts until they are to stop. So they are really enjoying it. Some days they will read several times....I think it just for the gumball but maybe they really are interested in Nephi building the ship. But like I said earlier, it is a sweet experience. This is getting them in the habit of reading on their own time. We read every night as a family but they are reading on their own.