Dad, Mark and Katie went straight home but Dave, Sean, us and Jake went to hike Corona Arch. Poor Lili still has a giant blister on her heal and can't walk with proper hiking shoes so Quique carried her the entire way in the backpack carrier. Man, she is a ton of bricks! Mateo started off walking but then he got in my backpack carrier too. We stopped half way because it was so hot.
Then we carried on toward the arch. We did stop to make some cairns where there are a ton to add too. Once we got to the arch, everyone stayed in the shade for some time. Poor Quique was flat on his back for quite a while. Lili walked around at the arch but I don't think she had her shoe on the foot that has the giant blister. Her poor legs were hurting from being in the backpack, so it was hard for her to walk at first.
Sean and Carter vanished. They went to climb up to the top of the arch. CRAZY!!!!!! Yep, they made it to the top. Insane! So when they got back down we took some really cool photos with Sean's phone, those are the ones with us standing in front of the base of the arch, super cool.
Then we hiked back to the cars and drove home. Everyone went on their own. Jake followed us home so he would drive all that way alone.
What a great camping trip this was. We can't wait to go back to Moab and do more hikes! We absolutely love it!!!! Thanks everyone for coming, it was a blast!