We all had given all the kids a count down of when it was time to leave. Half were waiting in line for the diving boards and half were drying off. Gaby went off the high dive and hit badly. So the life guard helped her out and over to the chair where all of us were packing up to get ready to leave. Gaby was a bit out of it and all of a sudden she blew her whistle, then the rest of the guards blew their whistles. Everyone in the entire pool had to get out. Next thing we know other guards are running over to us. The first guard that brought Gaby over grabs Gaby's neck and doesn't let go because she thinks she is hurt badly. There was a paramedic at the pool with his family trying to help but she wouldn't let him since he wasn't on duty.
She had told someone to call 911 and the paramedics rushed right over. WHAT!? Before we know what is even going on, there is a giant crowd around us, paramedics galore and the life guard is squatting over Gaby for so long now she is shaking, which in turn is shaking Gaby's head and neck, which if something is really wrong that is making it worse.
By this time, the pool closed completely because it was the normal time for it to close. All the paramedics do their thing and advise us what we should and shouldn't do. But Quique and I both feel she'll be fine and doesn't have a neck injury. So they pack up and leave.
We walk out to our cars and Quique, Sean and Dave give her a blessing right then and there. We know she's a bit shaken but she'll be fine. WOW! What a crazy ending right?!