Thursday, September 15, 2011

It's a BOY!!!!!

So it's official, we're having a boy.  He will be coming to us the beginning of January.  We are super excited.  I'll upload the ultrasound photos in a bit, but just wanted to let it out, now that we are telling everyone. 

My family knew because we were in Pittsburgh when I was sick and having 'problems' per say.  But we told Enrique's family about 3 weeks ago.  They were hilarious.  They were going crazy.  It was pretty cool.  We told them over skype.  We were talking to them for about 20 minutes and the girls couldn't wait anymore.  So Isabel asked if they wanted to see some new photos and she held up the ultrasound ones.  Enrique's dad got it first then brother and sister-in-law, his mom was close to the computer trying to figure it out and then she screamed and didn't stop screaming for a really long time!  hahahahaha  It was great.  They weren't very happy that we kept it so long but they are very excited.